The Independent and other European media outlets have praised Greece for managing to control the spread of Covid-19 with an impressive success so far.
The country adopted a comprehensive lockdown on March 23, much earlier than many of its European neighbors, having already shut down bars and restaurants a week before. The result is that the rates of infection and mortality in Greece remain remarkably low, while so far no case of COVID-19 has been recorded in Skopelos island.
Reporting on the number of cases and deaths in various countries, the Greek government presented two graphs, comparing Greece with Portugal, Belgium, and the Netherlands. These clearly illustrate that the numbers in Greece are strikingly lower than in other EU Member States.

Authorities still insist that, despite these very positive results, everyone should stay home and restriction measures still remain in place. According to the government spokesman, Greece will hopefully reemerge from the lockdown in early May.
Referring to the future of Greek tourism, the President of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises, Mr. Yannis Retsos gave an optimistic message, underlining that Greece is considered a “best-case scenario” for the way it reacted to COVID-19 pandemic. “Greece has strengthened its brand in the way it faced the pandemic compared to other countries, which have a better and stronger health system. We will capitalize on this in terms of tourism – when the time comes. I believe that Greece’s recovery will come much sooner,” he said.
At Spyrou Skopelos Experience we are following closely the guidelines of top health experts, the World Health Organization and the Greek government to ensure that we all stay safe in order to provide a seamless and enjoyable holiday experience the day after.
We look forward to welcoming you to Skopelos soon.
Let’s all stay safe.
George Michalis
General Director of Spyrou Skopelos Experience